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Expeditions to Prussia and the Holy Land Made by Henry Earl of Derby by Kyngeston, Richard, Smith, ... ISBN: 9780384307759 List Price: $27.00
T's Pot of Poems by Randle, Angela M., Tarleton... ISBN: 9780966745603 List Price: $10.00
Defense of Dr Charles T Jackson's Claims to the Discovery of Etherization by Lord, Joseph L., Lord, Henr... ISBN: 9781169604353 List Price: $24.76
Tributes in Loving Memory to Mary T Palmer by Palmer, Henry L. ISBN: 9781172315444 List Price: $17.75
Right Honourable Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe, P C , D C L , F R S a Biographical Sketch by Thorpe, T. E. ISBN: 9781177429344 List Price: $25.75
Historical Papers : 1890 by Ruffner, Henry, Campbell, S... ISBN: 9781163609637 List Price: $23.16
Historical Papers : 1890 by Ruffner, Henry, Campbell, S... ISBN: 9781163675670 List Price: $35.16
Defense of Dr Charles T Jackson's Claims to the Discovery of Etherization by Lord, Joseph L., Lord, Henr... ISBN: 9781164522959 List Price: $12.76
L' �toile Flamboyante Ou la Soci�t� des Francs-Ma�ons, Consid�r�e Sous Tous les Aspects by Th�odore Henri De Tschudy ISBN: 9781245339339 List Price: $25.75
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Souvenirs Historiques du Ch�teau de Henri Iv et de Ses D�pendances by Asfeld, L. T. D' ISBN: 9781277789942 List Price: $35.75
Ali�n� Devant Lui-M�me, l'Appr�ciation l�gale, la l�gislation, les Syst�mes, la Soci�t� et l... by Henry Fran�ois Auguste Bonn... ISBN: 9781274168863 List Price: $43.75
Dernier Tableau de Paris : Ou R�cit Historique de la R�volution du 10 Ao�t 1792, des Causes ... by Peltier, Jean-Gabriel, Fran... ISBN: 9781275884298 List Price: $38.75
L�gislation de L'Instruction Publique Contenant les Lois, D�crets, Ordonnances, R�glements e... by France, Barrau, Th�odore-Henri ISBN: 9781276211659 List Price: $43.75
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Karl Barth : By T. H. L. Parker by Parker, Thomas Henry Louis ISBN: 9780598194107 List Price: $38.80
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